This website was designed for a website design class. All imagery content can be found in the links below at and It is my understanding that the images I have used are in the public domain as identified in the webpages below. This site is intended only for the usage of my website class at Utah State University and implies no endorsement. Again this website is only for educational purposes. I have not verified all the information and dates on this site. Please use other sources to verify information.

In addition, I used information from several papers I have written for art history classes. The following book by Enrico De Pascale is a great source for information on Death in art: Death And Resurrection In Art. Los Angeles, California: Getty Publications, 2009.

1Christina Maria Boeckl. “The Pisan “Triumph of Death” and the Papal Constitution “Benedictus Deus”.” Artibus et Historiae, Vol. 18. No. 36 (1997)